Daiki Media
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If you scored well in your class or won a competition you participated in or maybe just simply adopted a cute puppy. What’s that one thing you would like to do? You would surely like to announce it to the world with a loudspeaker, wouldn’t you?. While keeping this in mind, let’s get to know a little bit about SEO and its means.  

SEO Meaning

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is a strategy that is practiced by many bloggers, businesses, and entrepreneurs to attain an upper hand over others online. Knowing how to practice SEO can help your business to grow. Remember that loudspeaker we talked about earlier? Search Engine Optimization is that loudspeaker, which helps your website to get to the top of the searches and provides quick and easy access to the website. 

What is SEO & How it works?

Search Engine Optimization is a unique feature founded by Rand Fishkin. He defined it as “A  feature that increases the quality and quantity of the traffic you earn through the organic results in search engines”.  It improves your website and increases its visibility so that when people search for products or services related to your business, Google will show your website in the top 10 or 15 positions. Let’s understand SEO and how it works through some key features:-

  • Crawling:- Crawling refers to the discovery of pages. It is done to prepare web pages for indexing. Google has little programs called GoogleBots, and their primary job is crawling. They start by discovering a few web pages and then follow the link on those web pages to find new relevant web pages. Through this, they can discover billions of pages on the internet and then add them to the Google database
  • Indexing:- Post crawling, Indexing comes into action. Indexing is handling the storing of those found web pages in the Google database.
  • Ranking:- What’s more important than ranking if we are talking about numbers?. SEO rankings are crucial for websites and companies as they decide whether your website link will be displayed on the top or not. SEO ranking factors are subject to fluctuations and they can change overnight.

We hope these terms were able to give you a glimpse inside the superfast world of Search Engine Optimization. 

Backlinks are URLs linked from one page or a website to another. They are also called “links” and are highly important to Search Engine Optimization. In lucid terms, backlinks are how Google finds new pages.

Keyword Research 

Apart from the three major features mentioned above, ‘Keyword Research’ is another SEO practice that is by far the most effective way to increase the chances of attracting the right customers by understanding the search intent of your prospect audience. Even for this article, keyword research was done before the writing. Keywords are words and little sentences which attract more audience to your website. For example:- the most searched keywords for the year 2020 in Malaysia were Google classroom, coronavirus, Dalgona coffee, and  Covid-19 Malaysia, which makes these words a key to increase more views on your website. In simple terms, if you were to put these three words in your article, it will receive more views than usual or at least has a chance of receiving more audience than usual. The keywords work effectively on one important condition though, the trend. If the keyword you are choosing for your article is trending and a hot pick presently, it will be great for your website, but if it’s not trending you wouldn’t receive any views even after adding 100 of those keywords. 

What is On-site & Off-site Optimization?

A question in the world of optimization always comes up, which is “What’s On-site & Off-site Optimization?” Well, we have tried our best to put it in simple words for you to grasp. 

On-site optimization is what a blogger or an entrepreneur does to their website to make it easier for search engines like Google to find it. On the other hand, Off-site optimization refers to the measures taken behind the owned website, such as link building, registering in online local directories, etc. That help build credibility and authority for your website.

Both On & Off-page Optimization is crucial to search engines. Where On-site optimization is the fuel to your car, Off-site works as the tyres that keep you going forward. 

SEO tools

These tools are the backbone of your website. Search Engine Optimization tools help you analyze the growth of your website and plan a strategy accordingly. They mark your website’s weaknesses and help you improve them for the betterment of your website. Some amazing tools that work for your website’s growth and help you create a sturdy base for winning the audience’s trust are Google Trends, Ubersuggest, Google Analytics, and Mozbar. These tools are highly recommended by experts to those wondering how to do SEO for their website. 

How does SEO in Malaysia work? 

Let’s have a look at how SEO Malaysia has been surpassing the optimization game of other countries of the world. 

People from around the world have different needs and different desires. When it comes to the internet and Search Engine Optimization, it’s no different. Experts from different countries practice different strategies according to the needs and the situation of the market. The performance bar of SEO Malaysia is on a different level with high-quality content and immaculate competition. Still, wondering how to carry out SEO? Leave it to us! And our experts as we also provide an amazing and satisfactory service to meet your optimization requirements. 

Key takeaways

The advent of the internet and its increasing importance in our lives has surely given rise to tools and tactics to fight the existing competition. Search Engine Optimization techniques are a blessing for everyone, including those who are sitting behind a little study desk and even those working from lavish offices. The increase in the competition online has engendered these tools and techniques to step in and highlight only the best. Always remember when you try to write or present content to the general public, always root for quality over quantity as only quality content with good SEO garners views and effectuates a website. 


Lukesh Pillaii

As an experienced Marketing Director, Growth Hacker, and Customer Acquisition Specialist with a strong background in leading successful marketing teams, I specialize in developing and executing effective marketing strategies that drive business growth and increase ROI. With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, I have a deep understanding of various industries, including fintech, cryptocurrency, blockchain, forex, healthcare, insurance, MNCs, and startups.

I hold a Master of Business Administration (Candidate) in Entrepreneurship & Human Resources from Excel International College and a Bachelor of Information Technology in Information Systems from Universiti Tenaga Nasional.

My track record of success includes generating millions of dollars in revenue, driving millions of organic SEO traffic, and gaining thousands of followers on social media through a full spectrum of marketing strategies. My expertise lies in developing and executing marketing plans that align with business objectives and goals, increasing brand awareness, driving sales, and improving customer engagement.

I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and techniques and have a proven track record of success in driving revenue growth and increasing online visibility through various digital channels such as SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.

Key achievements include:

Generating $2 Million in revenue through email marketing in less than a year (Klaviyo | Netcore | MailChimp)
Consistently driving ROI | ROAS of 20-30 times monthly through Facebook/Google and other digital advertisements
Growing 2M - 3M SEO organic traffic
Gaining 80K new followers on company social media channels through a full spectrum of social media marketing strategies and creating engaging content
Innovating a solution to resolve challenging desktop, application, networking, and infrastructure issues, reducing annual spending by $1k as an intern at Aptech Malaysia.
I am proficient in a variety of digital marketing tools and platforms, including social media management, SEO, SMM, SEA, SEM, brand development, content marketing, and web development.

If you're looking for a highly motivated and results-driven marketing professional with global experience as a Marketing Director or CMO, please contact me at lukesh@daikimedia.com to discuss how I can help grow your business.


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